Some envelopes will not be sent to utility providers, these envelopes will not be shown in the utility referral insights table.
If the rental agreement is not a new agreement and is instead a renewal, a utility provider offer will not be shown in the signing flow. As such this envelope will not be shown in the referral insights table.
Excluded postcode
If the address of the Residential Rental Agreement is within an excluded postcode, a utility provider offer will not be shown in the signing flow and the envelope will not be shown in the insights table.
135 - Residential Rental Agreement
The only time utility provider offers will be shown is through the signing flow of the Residential Rental Agreement. All other envelopes will not be shown in the utility referral insights table.
Duplicate agreement
If an envelope has already been sent for an address in the last 4 weeks, a utility provider offer will not be shown to the signees and the envelope will not be shown in the referral table.