How to track a document sent for signing

This article covers the various stages of document signing and how to access that information.

Signing Status

After slightly scrolling down on the property card you can see the Signing Status.

Here you can get an overview on the progress of the contract such as where it is up to, and what in particular may be holding it up.

Signee Status

When a contract is sent you are able to see the most recently completed stage of the signees. When the contract has only just been sent, you can confirm this by Sent being the displayed status.

When the recipient has opens the document the status will change from Sent to Opened this is beneficial to know as it can confirm that it was definitely received. Often this status means they are in the process of reading and understanding the form, or perhaps have simply forgotten to sign it.

When the signee has successfully signed the document the status will change to Signed. This can be helpful when there are multiple parties required to sign and you can tell who specifically has already completed it, and who is yet to sign the document.

Contract Status

The overall Contract Status gives you a brief overview of the contract progress at a quick glance. You can see if the contract is completed, how far through it is, or if it has been started at all. The colour of the progress bar provides an immediate estimate on where the contract is up to.


When a contract has been successfully signed by all parties it will show a green progress bar detailing 100%. A small icon will also show that it is Completed and when it was finished.

If a contract is yet to be started you can see that the progress bar has not filled at all. It will also show 0%. You will also see how many people are yet to sign their part on the document. In the below example there are 2 people needed to sign the document, and neither of them have so far.

When a contract requires multiple parties to sign occasional some parties may be quick than others. In the below example there are 2 required signees. One of which has successfully signed the form and one hasn't. Hence showing 50% progress. When there is just 1 party left to sign it will specify the person in question immediately under the progress bar.