This article will cover how to create a new form from the Property Card, or from the My Properties page.
Creating a form from the Property Card
After clicking on the property card you are currently handling you will be presented with various pieces of information pertaining to that particular property such as the address, and who it is managed by etc.
In the top righthand corner you will see New Form.
Click on New Form to initiate the process.
A window will pop up requiring you to fill in the two relevant fields: Contract and Contract Type in addition to the region it is for.
After the fields are populated you can click on Continue.
On the following page your will be prompted to fill in more releveant information specific to the property and the lease agreement. ie. Terms, Bond, Expenses etc.
At the top right of this page you can confirm the contract by clicking Continue.
Creating a form from the My Properties page
On the My Properties page there is a black button in the upper right hand corner saying New Form. (This will create a new property on the My Properties page)
If you click on this a window will pop up where you need to specify the Contract type, Contract, and address you wish the new form to apply to. The address field will search for addresses based off of the information you type in.
On the following page your will be prompted to fill in more releveant information specific to the property and the lease agreement. ie. Terms, Bond, Expenses etc.
At the bottom of this page you can confirm the contract by clicking Continue.
You have just created a new form.